
Thursday, February 24, 2011

oh my, it gets funnier and funnier

really, it's too funny. it is.  i check my email and i get a comment alert.  i read.  reaction: "hmmm, that's not a very nice thing to say".  2nd reaction:  "how does this person know what my husband does for a living?" 3rd reaction: "when did i complain about money? i said i was a cheap-skate, not that i was poor."  4th reaction:  why did they sign their name but  have an anonymous profile....and the only 'crystal' i know would never say this".  5th reaction: "who is this meanie who has nothing better to do with their time?"

dear 'crystal', i have decided to respond but not out of anger....i would say more bewilderment and comedy than anything else.  i put your name or the one you signed in quotation because i do not know who you are.  are you really a random stranger that doesn't know me but but really remembers details of my boring little part of the internet or are you someone i know who REALLY doesn't like me and is pretending to be my friend crystal or are just lying about your identity.  i know it's not my friend crystal because i called her as soon as i saw it.  i called her immediately because i'm not afraid of confrontation and i knew deep down that it wasn't her.  she was rather confused too, and we had a great conversation so actually, i should be thanking you for causing me to call my friend and have a good chat.  i want to let you know that the term 'cheap-skate' is not equivalent to the word 'poor'.  if you look at the dictionary it means miser or stingy.  here is the example that the merriam-webster dictionary's website used: Examples of CHEAPSKATEcheapskate who lived like a pauper, she was reputedly the wealthiest woman in the U.S. at the time of her death.
i called myself a cheap-skate, i never said i couldn't afford vitamin d.  i was laughing at myself for hating spending money.  i notice i laugh at my cheapness a lot but i like it, it's me.  i like hand made things, i like to take care of things, to collect things with meaning, and to value the things i have saved for, thought about, and finally splurged on.  i never thought i was complaining about not having money to spend.  and if i was, why do you care? it's my blog, and if i want to whine about money then, i can.  i can whine whine whine.  the problem is i don't think i am whining about being poor, i'm saying i don't like to spend money.  i also do not like grammar but i do like comma splices.
'crystal', i have a suspicion that i know you personally.  i think this because i do not often mention my husbands occupation or training (in addition to the fact that i don't mention money that often!)  i'm sure i probably mentioned it somewhere on here but i have never said where he worked, that i can remember, and i know i haven't said it recently because i reminisced a bit and looked back at a bunch of old posts.  i mean, he could be an engineer by training but as far as a stranger stalking the blogger world would know he could be working at mcdonald's flipping burgers.  he could be unemployed. i'm sure that there are many unemployed engineers in this world, especially since 2008.  i am proud to say that if he needed to get a job outside of his college degree that he would, be it at walmart or where ever, he would work to feed his family and pay his bills.  i also wonder why you are concerned with what an engineer might make.  are you familiar?  i mean, wouldn't it depend on the size of the company, his experience, and maybe, just maybe two university level educated people (like the hizzle and i) might have college loans to pay back.  i mean, it's not cheap to smarten up this gray matter we carry above our costs a bright shiny penny or two and often, very often, you have to borrow those pennies and pay interest on them with more pennies and well, that can make you a little broke when you add bills and family and housing and many many things.  notice i said broke....a little broke but happy, very happy.  if you are a stranger why would you remember a little thing that i don't even remember mentioning.  i'm sure i mentioned it off-handedly if i did.  i mean, if i bother you that much why do you know those details or why do you read everything i write? i KNOW that this blog, this mommy/family/fun blog is NOT that interesting that a stranger would read it regularly, especially someone who obviously thinks it's a bunch of dribble.  a stranger wouldn't anonymously stalk it just to leave mean comments; i hope most people have better things to do with their time.  the solution is very simple.  if you do not like what i have to say DON'T READ IT.  no one forces you to, so if you do not like me, don't come here.  do not read it and you will not be aggravated.  voila.  magic.  problem solved (say it like peter sellers in pink panther, it's way more fun).  i know i put myself out there a little bit so i open myself up to criticism and i can't complain that people have opinions about me but really, this is just a place for my family to enjoy getting to know me and my immediate family.  nothing more.  if someone stumbles upon it accidentally and it gives them a smile then great.  i guess i could make it private but i don't know if that would change anything because, i'm sure you have more to say to me and i'll be hearing it some way, some how.  nasty little comments left on the internet, there really isn't much pride in that is there?  if you don't like me, you don't have to read my blog.

i guess i'm fortunate that i have so few nasty comments and 'haters' that i feel it necessary to respond.  i'm sure people who this happen to them all the time couldn't possibly think of responding to all the people who don't like them.


  1. How is it that wierd-os all of a sudden start making really nasty comments?
    Ms 'Crystal' needs to get a life and stop poking her nose into yours

  2. So you don't only look like me you are a "cheap-skate" like me!! That is wonderful :)
    Nothing like being a good steward of what God has so graciously given us!!
    Thanks again for your continued donations to our work in Haiti!!!
    Love you!

  3. Crystal just needs to be ignored. Don't give her any attention that will encourage her bad manners.

  4. Dear "Crystal" If you are someone who knows this beautiful, intelligent, talented, fantastic wife and mom, daughter, sister, niece… you are a stalker with no life…get one. If you are someone who just stumbled onto this blog…”stumble” off!!!



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