
Thursday, February 24, 2011

did you know

that aloe plants flower?  neither did i until i saw this in my bathroom:
did you know that i loved jane austen?  okay, i know you knew but i had to find a segway so i could show you this:
yes, that is an old old copy of 'sense & sensibility' that my sister-in-law gave me and i am very very excited
did you know that i'm still cooking?  well sometimes, about 3 days a week.  here is proof:
a picture of a meal would be better proof but a cook book will have to do, even though it it is easily faked evidence.
and, some of my gerbera daisies are still alive:

and that i need to rake the leaves in front of my house:
bah, i spy a piece of litter

sad i know, but now you know.


  1. I had no idea Aloe plants flower....that's really cool
    I *did* know you loved Jane Austen the old copy of Sense & sensibility is awesome :-)



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