
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

a day

in one day:
get up, get ready,
drop off to school.
clean clean clean, tidy, play, baby nap, clean clean clean.
plan dinner.
pick up from school.
tidy up.
clean monday cleaning.
play play.
lay down the baby.
garden, plant, split hostas, split ferns.
pretend to let tiny gardener help.
plant ferns.
plant hostas.
catch a five year old drinking from the rain barrel.
freak out.
find out that is the second time in one afternoon.
call hizazzle.
call pediatrician, referred to the poison control center.
call poison control, referred to county health department.
call county health department, told to call poison control.
tell them i was referred by poison control.
referred to quality of water department within the health department.
call the quality of water department, referred to the department for infectious diseases.
call the department for infections diseases.
referred to a nurse in i don't even know what department.
call nurse.
nurse says:
she will most likely be okay as she is young and healthy.
most water borne pathogens that affect humans are from animals and so rain water most likely will not affect her even from a rain barrel.
about the same as swimming in a lake.
if she does get sick come to the clinic to get her poo tested.
make cookies - teacher appreciation week.
get baby.
make dinner.
clean dishes.
eat dinner.
kids to babysitters.
go grocery shopping.
return home.
put cold things away.
wrestle children to bed.
turn light off on all non cold things.
collapse on couch while crossing fingers that the night does not include bacteria induced wretching.
I'm pooped, I hate mondays.
I'll catch ya on thursday.
side note:
it's teacher appreciation week.
that's right... week.
why a week?
I love p's teachers, fantastic, loving, good people, good teachers.
but if mom's get one day.. one day out of a year with no vacations... how do teachers get a week?
they work hard.  yes.  under appreciated.  absolutely... well the good ones.
but I'm sorry, so sorry, a week is too much.
but when a guidance counsellor is a room mom apparently it isn't too much.
and so every morning something is planned.
I took the easy way out, unabashedly, unashamedly, the easy way.
I picked the easiest task and completed it.
I did decide to make cookies for the actual day, for the teacher who teaches our p...
just because I appreciate this teacher.
I guess I'm just anti made up unionized holidays.... teacher appreciation is based on individual merit.

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