
Friday, February 17, 2012

starting to crave a garden

can't wait for some cut flowers from my own yard

every year in the middle of february i start to crave a garden... maybe it's the birds chirping outside our windows.
unfortunately this year it will be flowers.... remember this and this. (note to self... start saving for this years wasp extermination and attacking bumble bee/carpenter bee extermination... i don't mind honey bees but the devils that live in the ground and attack children and people... you will die)
so i've spent all winter trying to imagine what i want my flower garden to look like.  i received a free rose plant from someone but it's:
a) a lancaster rose that only blooms 3-6 weeks in spring and i want everblooming roses because i'm greedy.
b) something keeps eating it.  which worries me in general.
i also planted some of my fall mums but i think i'm going to move those.

i love the english garden with a slightly messy look but i know i'm not going to be investing that much time into it.... then i had an epiphany.  lavender and roses..... that's it.  keep it simple.  all french lavender and everblooming roses.  they both love sun and hopefully will survive my backyard..... if i can ever catch that pest (anyone have a wildlife camera i can borrow...).
i just looked up a bunch of different everblooming roses that are disease resistant but considering the luck i had finding french lavender last year (none and i checked and checked and checked) i have a feeling i'll go into the nurseries with a list of the ones i want like 'knockout' or 'grandma's blessing' and they'll hand me something that says 'everblooming rose - pink'.  at least with needing a minimum of six plants i'll be able to order the french lavender starts online (they're apparently really really hard to start from seed).

after scouring the internet i think i've finally found a garden center that has different kinds of terra cotta pots.  it might be a drive but it's worth it.  bo will be glad that he doesn't have to stop at every garden center along the way like he did last year.  now i have to find something that will grow in our full shade front.  is it possible to be a fern snob? i love the ferns in the woods but i can't stand the boston ferns in the stores.... is there a better option?? i just have this vision of hanging ferns and then ferns in terra-cotta along the porch. (i'm tired of using impatiens).  then i'm hoping to get dwarf boxwoods to take in the front yard to block the ugly lattice underneath the porch..... exciting.

none of this will turn out like i imagine it i know; but the fun of gardening is gardening i guess so i'll give it a shot.

1 comment:

  1. Go out to the farm down near the creek and there are a lot of ferns you can dig up!! They will take as I had them in my flower beds when we lived there.
    The best part is they are FREE!!
    a. carol



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