
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

out of the usual

last week we had a weekend in the middle of the week due to sickness.  it wasn't fun. it never is that fun when your lunch comes out the same way it went in. it was rather odd to spend two week days around the house doing nothing, i realized that hadn't happened to me in six years (the sick part anyway).  so after 2 days of complete depletion and no movement on friday i decided to take a walk around the block.  i couldn't infect the park with my terrible germs but i couldn't coop pennie up on the first superb day of the year.  walking down the boulevard i saw them, i saw a them coming a block away and can i tell you how tempted i was to turn up a the hill block earlier than my original intention.  they're easy to spot you know, clean cut, tie, dress pants, they look like all around good eggs and i wish more people dressed like them even though i certainly don't since i was doing my darndest to look like a poorly paid nanny for a wanna be desperate housewife.  so i was tempted to avoid but a little voice said no, that's not the right thing to do and i staid my course, and, instead of the usual blow off i thought i'd do my best to represent my heart and our Saviour.
now let's be real, you know they thought they'd get some clueless girl.  i was wearing skeggings, a pitt shirt layered over some other cut up shirt of mine, and over sized sun glasses.  and since my child bears no resemblance to me again i say i looked like pen's nanny.  so i think they were taken a little aback when i answered all of their questions and i did my best to stress that accepting Jesus' death and resurrection was only way to heaven.  i even managed to put in some scripture which shocked me because i'm terrible at on the spot recall.  that leads me to believe that the Holy Spirit made a bee line for my brain and told me what to say because i would have flopped big time.  i even prayed out loud (they offered to pray but i said i'd do it instead).  that doesn't sound big but i avoid praying out loud at every and all opportunities; i'm not proud of that, i'm just sayin'.  i still regret that i didn't stress their need of salvation.  if i could have it to do over again.  i'm sure i'll have another chance as mormon's are always walking our neighborhood.  i declined their request to come to the house and talk to us but i did offer a meeting with my pastor and us....gotta call in the big educated guns sometimes.  they declined.
i walked away thinking a big SHAME ON ME considering all the dvd's i have that i haven't watched yet about reaching out to mormons.  hizzle bizzle knows a pastor who has an outreach ministry and i'm a thinkin i should ask him to speak or something at my church.  i don't know how many other people would be interested besides me myself and i.  i'll stew on that a while.

but that was last week.  this week i did something else that causes me much fear and trepidation.  i cooked dinner for peoples other than hiz, pen, and me.  this caused much anxiety.  we hosted a dinner on monday for the conference speaker at our church and his wife and i'm so glad that we did.  this man is way smart and so interesting. if you think of a historical major event like say, the holocaust, he knows about it. why? well, because he is Jewish and from Germany and his father was in a concentration camp and that is a very direct way of learning and experiencing history.  he knows so much about Israel but we didn't even scratch the surface of that knowledge because it was dinner and the conversation meandered here and there.  the whole experience, to me anyway, has been so interesting.  i'm glad we did it, even if it did give me an ulcer.  just kidding.  i do have proof's  pen aiding in our dinner prep:
we knew they were coming so we baked cake
all icing recipes taste better out of pyrex
child labor laws do not apply to dishes
or wiping counters

1 comment:

  1. Kassandra,
    You are hilarious! I love the way you write as well as your picture captions!
    I saw those Mormon's as I was driving through Oakmont that day!! They looked a little dazed :)
    How awesome when the Holy Spirit jumps in! And how we are aware of it and can praise Him for it!!
    a. c.



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