
Monday, February 21, 2011

t'other day

i turned from the sink and the dishes in the sink to find this staring at me:
if you're disturbed by that try to imagine how i felt.  fortunately i know that penelope is too young for this to be considered a warning sign.  it's my fault really, if i cooked more often she'd know what an oven was for.


  1. :) Too funny!!!

    Unrelated note: I watched the last Downton Abbey online yesterday, not realizing there is going to be a second season. I thought those four episodes were it. I kept thinking "Wow, they better wrap up all these storylines FAST." I got to the end and it was like a knife through my heart. How long are they going to keep us in suspense??!?!? Arrrgghh!!!!

  2. I cannot stop laughing!!! She is sooo funny!

  3. Aunt Tootie will be happy to see she is playing with her Christmas present!

  4. I love this...She is saying that in the future she will prefer to make reservations!!!

  5. apple doesn't fall far from the tree :)

    fyi: al is aunt leah

  6. This picture is hilariously disturbing and funny in one!!
    I can just here the sound effects and the picture going in and out (close up-far away-close up- far away) like a twilight zone kind of sound effect!! ha ha ha



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