
Friday, April 23, 2010

i had time to Focus

ready for some P news?

at a restaurant (thanks rents), our darling little daughter turned and told the waiter she would like a side of teef with her bottle and also asked him to take off her shoes as they were pinching her.
mensa here we come.
truth behind clingy clara.  i never like to assume a baby, well, my baby is teething every time they are a little 'glued' to me. i mean, pen has been chewing on whatever she could get her hands on since she was....uh oh i'm blanking, bad mother ....since whenever she had the hand to mouth motor skills to get things into her mouth.  and who's to say she doesn't have a diaper wedgie or something.  although i was suspicious that penelope had called in clingy clara to live here while the teeth came in, i couldn't be sure as she shuts her mouth tighter than a clam anytime you try to look.  today though, she was chewing on my finger, really hard i might add, and on certain spots she gave out a little cry.  poor dear. so my rather late eurka moment will be numbed by some infant acetaminophen.

1 comment:

  1. This entry confused poor Grandma...didn't get it at all. She just doesn't understand and explanations are met with blank stares.

    I, on the other hand, loved it. Smiles are happening.



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