for two months p has been trying to convince us she requires glasses.
glasses must be the epitome of first grade chic.
any instance of blurriness for any reason, even tears probably, are evidence of her need for glasses.
eye appointments are fine, we'll do that, we just have to find the time.
but in the mean time a certain thing happened and i'm thinking that she will not get her hearts desire.
i decided to pre-read one of her Christmas books before she finds it under the tree.
the thought of letting unapproved authors reek havoc on her brain was not something i could do and still sleep soundly.
gymnastics, i thought, was the perfect opportunity. a whole hour where i just sit.
a whole hour where i sit on a darkened loft raised above a giant gym floor.
a whole hour to just read. but i forgot one thing.
p expects me to watch every millisecond of her and her enjoyment of gymnastics.
even if it means i remind her after class that is annoying to constantly bounce up and down 10 cm from the instructor as opposed to standing patiently in line.
this risk of reprimand is a risk she regularly takes and if i'm not paying attention will often shout my name full of annoyed frustration.
annoyed frustration is a risk i'm willing to take and i loved my hour of reading non digital words in a book with absolutely no pictures. a children's book from the 40's is still mental candy to a word deprived brain.
i lied. one picture. one picture on the cover next to the title which is two lines of letters less than one inch.
after my hour mental vacation her instructor came to me laughing at p's frustration which she apparently expressed on the floor:
"did my mom forget she brought me or something.'
then p says, frustrated at my lack of attention, ' you were just reading that book, 'the saturdays.'
she read the title from the gym floor.
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