
Monday, April 18, 2011

i decided to go

on saturday past.....
when my cousin called asking "you wanna go....?"
i knew that the reasonable response was "no, i'm nursing the hacking coughing plague and i need to rest in order to return to good health".
and i immediately answered "yes, when should i be ready"

i'm a s.u.c.k.e.r. for a four part harmony and there was no way i was going to pass up on the calvary quartet.
i have heard them before and i knew they were loud enough to muffle my hacking consumption.  here are some of the songs i really was really hard to hold the camera still with music and hacking consumption but even though i just recorded sound i didn't want a swaying hymnal in the forefront.

there is a lot i know but hey, why not.  there was a wonderful rendition of "Jesus Paid It All" that everyone present joined in on.  unfortunately everyone present included my aunt, my cousin, and myself and we all had laryngitis i'll spare you the sound of my aunt, my cousin, and myself and the many keys we covered with our laryngitis.

then we went to kings.
some of us (me) felt like dessert, the tenor especially.

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