
Friday, February 11, 2011

a note to meanies

every once and a while i'll get a mean comment.  i just got one.  the irony of this nasty comment is they were insulting me but didn't see how they were acting in the same lazy manner that they were accusing me of existing in by wasting time on the internet (insulting me). try repeating that sentence ten times fast.  i always wonder if it's someone i know and a few names pop into my head. (a cartoon balloon pop up sound is floating in my ears now)  the fact that these people are always "anonymous" also makes me laugh because i cannot imagine not having the guts to stand behind my words.  to hide behind "anonymous" seems so cowardly.  i sit here and debate whether to let the comment stand or to trash it.  i could trash it because it's useless, baseless, and i don't need it.  i could let it sit on the internet forever so whoever reads that comment and knows anything about me will be able to laugh at what a nitwit that "anonymous" person is.  honestly, the jury's still out.  not sure what to do.  in the mean time, let me clear a few things up:


#1. i have two jobs.  the first is at home taking care of my family; raising my daughter without a television babysitter or a daycare babysitter.  letting her have free unscheduled play so that she can develop imagination and creativity.  she spends all her day learning how to sing, laugh, have fun, have manners, how to clean up, and how to interact in society.  my second job is a part time job - one day a week.  my daughter then spends time with a family member strengthening bonds with people who love her and do more with their time than leave nasty comments on the internet.

#2.  if all i did was watch tv and read magazines.
          a) the house would not be so clean - look at the pictures and weep mean people.  is your house that clean?
          b) my daughter wouldn't now how to imitate me cleaning.  a messy person's child would not know where her toys go.  a lazy person's toddler would not pick up dirt or lint whatever etc and put it in the trash can, they wouldn't because they wouldn't know that it wasn't supposed to be there.
          c) there are no pictures of our family working or cleaning because we're working or cleaning.

i could go on but i don't want to be anything like a meanie; this is a happy blog that i made so that my family could see pictures of my favorite toddler without joining a social network.  it is meanie free and grammar free and that's the way i'm gonna keep it.  anyone who has the desire to leave a mean comment please first take a look at yourself and ask: am i about to throw a rock while i live in a glass house? please do, ask yourself that, because more likely than not if i'm the kettle, you're the pot.

i'll leave you all with a nice tranquil picture, taken by me and then made better by my artist (say ar-teest, it's much more fun) sister.


  1. I hear you....shouldn't "anonymous" human(or so I hope) *know* that you alreddy have a full time job with a child?
    geese! I mean really, your doing the right think of being a real mother and not a "send my kid to a day care while I work" mother

    also you *can* delete any comments...not like thats going to help the hurt but atleast it's a suggestion

  2. Leave the comment. Anyone who knows you well and loves you knows you are a productive, hard working woman doing things that REALLY matter in the big eternal picture!

  3. I love seeing Pennie and that you capture her life in pictures and words. The best job in this lifetime is raising your children and I commend you for making this your job! I was about to quote a book for the statistics of childhood problems when mothers work fulltime and put their children in daycare but, I won't. Hey I feel that Dr. Dobson would be pleased with you! (wink, wink)

    Keep on blogging!!! If they really want to post mean comments send them on over to the hillbillies blog and let them have a go at that! hee hee

    love you!



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