
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

no i do NOT want a bag

i don't want a bag,

i have my own bags,


fortunately for the world i didn't say this in the store.  i'm drowning in plastic bags.  they clock me as i walk down the basement steps and gather around like dust bunnies when i reach the bottom.  they spring jump out at me from the bathroom closet and jump in my purse at other peoples  houses.  there are too many plastic bags in my house.  i can't stand it.  i'm also completely unable to throw them away.  that would be wasteful.  i don't like wasteful.  97% of my furniture is from other peoples houses.  we don't do waste.  the only things i like to waste are the lives of insects.  i'll waste those all day every day and they're bio-degradable (ha).  even in my dreams as i just had a night mare the other night about killing bed bugs (this has not helped my paranoia).  there is no way to use these bags at the rate they come into my house.  so when i brought my own fabric bags to walmart i didn't do it because i like schlepping things around or i'm trying to save the planet, i just didn't want any stinking bags.  when i told the lady, i have a bag here i'll bag my own groceries and she ignores me and i'm all by myself because the man in my life is waiting on customer service in the back of the store and i want to kill him even though he had reason to be there but i didn't consider it as life or death as he did and a perfect stranger is talking to the baby as i frantically tried to explain to the idiot cashier in plain english NO BLUE BAGS while hurriedly taking millions upon millions (slight exaggeration but only slight) of items out of the cart - breath- can you blame me that i was in a bad mood after???  WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE. are you deaf? i know you're not, you're just a crappy employee.  i used to be a cashier and i know how to bag groceries, i guess i'm from a time way in the past where the trained you to do things like properly bag groceries, and let me tell you lady. YOU STINK. i'm sorry you are unwilling to accomplish simple tasks like putting more than one item in a bag but sometimes you have to stretch yourself and your skills and just do it.  it's not that hard.  ESPECIALLY WHEN I SORTED THE GROCERY ITEMS FOR YOU ON THE CONVEYOR BELT. sometimes you have to listen to the words that are coming out of other peoples mouths.  words that say "I HAVE MY OWN BAGS".

i remember what this lady looks like.  i'm not sure if i'll avoid her the next time i go or if i'll purposely pick her line so that can annoy her and force her to use MY bags.  right now i'm leaning towards the second option, we'll see if i cool down.  i doubt it. i can be resentful, distrustful of people, and have the selective memory of an elephant.  i'm working on it.

1 comment:

  1. You can send them to me...I like cutting up plastic bags to crochet with



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