
Monday, January 17, 2011

the long dark of moria

i hate this part of winter, i hate  hate it hate it.  do i do anything differently in the summer that makes these winter days seem so much longer?? no, i don't.  what is it about having the windows and doors open that makes the day soooo much better? i don't know, but i consider these days until spring (warm spring) "the long dark of moria" and would like to make some hot chocolate, sit on the couch, and spend the next two months tv if i could.

but i can't and i would feel supremely lazy if i did so here is what we're doing instead.

-starting a new vitamin regimen to better my health.

- cooking dinner. GASP about a week and a half ago in the presence of a witness i made the man in my life sit down and pick out two weeks of dinner recipes with me.  i have made it clear to the man in my life that two weeks of meals will be jointly decided on  before the shopping trip or we'll else we'll eat veggie omelet's for dinner for the rest of our lives.  today is poor man's steak and whatever frozen vegetable i can dig out of my freezer.  i HATE cooking.

-  i still need to buy batteries so we're still going through camera withdrawel and we're working towards resolution and rehab.

-  celebrating: the patriots lost.  nothing gives me more satisfaction that to see tom brady with that sour puss on his face.  i get the same feeling i get when the steelers win.

-  contemplating taking down the last of Christmas.  i still haven't taken down our Christmas tree because it's still alive and it smells so wonderful......Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree, how completely do i love you.

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