
Saturday, January 8, 2011

everything must be the same and if it's not penelope will put it back

here are some weird things that my beauteous daughter has been doing/has done...must be a phase, i hate that word 'phase', i need to get a thesaurus.

* taps her toe on the floor next to the dirt she wants me to vacuum up - this might be an imitation of bo and i tapping our foot next to food crumbs to alert the dogs to come and eat said crumbs.  she also picks up dirt and hands it to me to throw away....i encourage this habit.

* gets up from her nap and points emphatically to her binky bowl, since i was lazy this afternoon and had not removed the binky in her mouth before i picked her up from her bed i was rather confused.  i oblige (girl is cranky when she wakes up and you just need to take easy street some days) and she promptly picks up a binky that fell on the dresser and places it in the bowl - i'm sure this is my fault but as much as i like to be tidy i do not like ocd.  i don't even know how she spotted the thing but i then realized she's been pointing at it for days so apparently it's been bothering her.

* we go to the post office to mail a post card and during our extreme wait due to government employees she points at the table area for about half of the time.  we finally purchase our one stamp that we waited 20 minutes for even though we were only the second (of two!) person in line and i free her to go to her pointing place.  she immediately runs to the area from Christmas card fiasco and plops down, looks at me and smiles, then jumps up and runs to play with the p.o. boxes because apparently she holds an affinity for them. this is one of the places she spent most of her time the last trip to the post office.............which was a month ago.

this girl doesn't miss or apparently forget anything, i mean it, anything. if you go to stop her from falling she'll snatch the pen out of your pocket while you're distracted.  feeling a little bit lighter? she's just pick-pocketed your phone.  we've got and ocd neat freak oliver twist on our hands and i like it, except the stealing part, that's bad but she's only 1 1/2.  she knows which toys are kept where and if you don't sit in the rocker to read the nursery rhymes she'll look at you through her eye lashes and point to the chair in a rather queenly way (that might be a problem later).

i understand all this is probably normal but it makes me laugh and i like to talk about it so, i do.  she's wearing a brown sweat shirt, purple sweat pants, and bright red fancy flower shoes right now, she picked the shoes, they're her fav's it seems from the amount of times she pulls them from the shoe basket.  i would take a picture but i need to find my other set of rechargeable batteries :( and since i can't find them my camera is dead, oi vey :( :(   here is one from last week
listening to 'the music machine'

1 comment:

  1. I'm learning about using thesaurus's in my language

    you could call it a "quirk" or " a peoried of her behaveour that we can not explain but thing that she will get over soon"

    I would go for #1



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