
Friday, December 3, 2010

Merry Christmas! (season) - it blew up all over my house

Christmas decorations did anyway
this is the first time i haven't really tried to make it cohesive......i just tried to make it as fun as possible since this is the first year pen really notices things (i've got window clings galore) ..... she already broke one of my snowmen (i've kept this thing in tact for 10 years and it took her two days).
 my gram had tons of Christmas stuff EVERYWHERE when i was small and we helped put it up every year the weekend after thanksgiving.  i wanted to translate that vibe.  somehow her house never felt cluttered....mine definitely does but i'll survive til january (her house was about 3 times the size of mine and that might be why).
even my chalk board
and we mailed our Christmas cards....

and these are them all over the sidewalk because we dropped them on the way down.
and this is pen mailing them....oh wait, it isn't because i dropped the camera and cracked the lens and sent two other mystery pieces skidding across the p.s. floor.  i had stamped them all while sitting in the middle of the post office on the floor because i couldn't really use the tables that faced the walls and watch the toddler who was trying to open people's p.o. boxes followed by stealing cards from my pile and putting them in the post office brochure case (if someone doesn't get a card it's probably in my local post office brochure case). since i just discovered this winter that i have absolutely no comfy pants i had to wear leggings and an over sized sweat shirt to cover my bum (jeans are no use when they're in the wash)  i already looked like trash so i just gave up and sat down and crossed my eyes so that one followed her and the other made sure i put the stamps in the right place. i was so stressed out i dumped the left over stamps in the trash instead of the empty stamp sheets so i had to dig in the trash and retrieve my precious $4.40 in stamps...okay, really imagine that, a woman who is dressed like a candidate for the jerry springer show digging through the trash can of a government building with a toddler wandering around close to her...close your eyes and really imagine.

i like our cards this year, i made them myself this year and it shows....but besides stamps they only cost me $13 for 90 which makes the kenny rogers 'home made Christmas in Kentucky' aspect much more fun.

i can dream of next year.....and next year i'm going to deck everything out in tinsel garland....all over the house.

pen seems to be getting into the spirit of things

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