
Wednesday, April 7, 2010


nope, i wish, it's the other one.

call mr. gore. we have a case of child warming on our hands.  i'm not sure how much energy she is consuming but by the btu's she's producing it must be quite a lot...carbon might kill my houseplants (i've never killed a houseplant:).

once again no eating.
i think green beans are the new peaches.

in an effort to get actual food down the gullet we've broadened P's dietary horizons....
this includes

yogurt: she sees me eat it so she's willing to try it.

actual apples: tiny tiny pieces i picked off for her then when she was over that later in the day i let her bottom and only 2 teeth scrap some off....this will only last until she gets her top teeth and she can acutally bite.

water and juice from a cup: child will not use a sippy cup but in a moment of 'aha' i decided to take the lid off and offer it as a cup, it worked.  i guess this will mean constant offering of liquid but at least she's consuming some small amounts of liquid.

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