
Friday, February 26, 2010

just when you thought i went away.....

when you sit pen up and offer her your hands or fingers,she will pull herself up into a standing position (if she isn't on carpet you have to provide something to act as a foot stop); this is hilariously funny because of the amount of effort it takes to pull those chub a dubs up. also, when standing she will start to bounce.  c.u.t.e.  she is rather amazing and perfect.  The way she drools, spits, and squeals; i'm sure she's really just performing impromptu poetry."

the other day pen and i were practicing stand up/sit down because we were bored and we just wanted to.  she's standing up holding on to my fingers when suddenly she rips her right hand away and starts reaching for monkey cat. barely brushing him with her fingers, swinging her chub dubs, looking back at me (who is still firmly holding on to her left hand) then reaching again saying "i can almost reach it". holy grail nailed it.

pen has added the hallway to her walker route. she's kind of like pat bus, occasionally she adds a stop but she usually whines the whole way.

1 comment:

  1. Video please of Pen pulling herself up into a standing position. Muaaaah!!!



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